Dennis is on board
Welcome to our new Member // New Gigs

Hi all,
very important and thus surprising news. For some time we've been thinking about getting restructured bandwise. There was this certain thought of strengthen our vocalists' parts even more than we did in the past. Especially Marc had a wish of being able to focus even more on his lead vocals than before. Ole will now take over the main rhythm guitar again besides his lead and backing vocal activities. Bassists certainly know how challenging it can sometimes be to be a bassist and a lead vocalist at the same time. So we decided to find a virtuoso on the bass who can put nearly all his effort on this very instrument. The search wasn't really one because our long-term friend Dennis Rossmann was, of course, the first person for us to get in touch with, and it didn't take much more than a couple of minutes convincing him to be the new bassist in An Spiorad.
Dennis is going to pick the upright bass on a regular basis from now on and will give us a breath of fresh air not only musically but visually on stage, as well. The first rehearsals were great fun and we can't wait to bring this new constellation live on tour. Dennis will be joining us from our next gig on 12th August 2023 in Hohenlimburg Castle in Hagen. Please give him a waaarm welcome!
Talking about stages...
We are more than happy to announce two further gigs completing our festival summer for the time being. On Sunday, 25th August 2023 we are delighted being able to fill in for our dear friends of "The Ceili Family". At 11:00 am we'll be playing in yet another castle "Wasserschloss Werdringen" in Hagen. The event is part of the "LiteraturSommerHellweg" organised by Literaturbüro Unna themed by the topic Fantasy. There will be various acts, readings, signing authors and of course live-music performed by An Spiorad. The programme even features author and musician Luci van Org. You might remember her being a part of the band Lucilectric ("Weil ich n Mädchen bin") in the 1990ies.
Also, we are very happy to be invited once again to the more than popular Michaelisfest in Dortmund-Mengede. On 3rd September 2023 at 4:00 pm will be entering the stage in the "Amtshauspark" at tea-time. Please let us all hope for good weather at our summer open air gigs. We'll hope to catch you there and have the one or the other chat around our concert stage-times.
For now, yours,
Dennis, Ole, Pascal, Jens, Marc und Henning